

Below is a brief overview of the services Midwest Automotive & Diesel provides.
At Midwest Automotive & Diesel, we have been serving Champaign/Urbana since 2010 and aim to provide the same convenient, quality service that has made us a leader in the automotive service and repair industry.

If at anytime you have a question don't hesitate to call us at 217-352-7343 or send us an e-mail.


We use the same diagnostic equipment as the dealerships, and can run the same full factory diagnostics on your vehicle. We offer all maintenance and tune-up services, 30K, 60K, and 90K services, full computer diagnostics and reprogramming, complete engine service, complete transmission service, brake repair and service, gasoline engine diagnostics and repair, diesel engine diagnostics and repair, suspensions and alignments and more.

If your vehicle needs service repair, you can depend on Midwest Automotive & Diesel to provide the highest quality of service and customer satisfaction.

We also provide full commercial fleet maintenance for your passenger or light to medium duty gasoline or diesel vehicles.
From preventative maintenance to engine replacements, no job is to big or small.

spark plugs